• Beginning our transition to the future workplace model

    Plans are firmly underway to move to our Future Workplace Model on the 4th April 2022. As managers, you should have already met with your teams to talk about what this means, and particularly for those transitioning to working in a hybrid way. As you know hybrid workers replace those…

  • Our Future Workplace Principles

    Our Future Workplace ambition is to create a more agile, flexible, and collaborative workplace environment that will enable the Council to work more efficiently and effectively, allowing our staff to work closer to, and within our communities. We want to be an employer of choice, build greater resilience within our…

  • Managing Hybrid Teams

    We all recognise that working in a hybrid way, where team members may be working from different locations or even at different times, will require planning and organising if it is to be successful. Some trial and error will be required to determine just what will work for your service….

  • Be Distance Aware

    A new initiative has launched in Scotland to encourage people to respect the space of others when they’re out and about. The Distance Aware scheme offers everyone who would feel more comfortable when they have more room, the chance to wear an easily recognisable symbol to show others they need…

  • EIS Teacher’s Union

    The Educational Institute of Scotland is the longest established teachers’ union in the world. More information can be found at www.eis.org.uk Here are 10 reasons why the EIS should be your union: 1. Biggest in Scotland The EIS is the largest teacher trade union representing over 80% of Scotland’s teachers…

  • GMB Trade Union

    On this page you will find details for the GMB trade union. GMB UNION: Make Work Better The GMB union is a powerful organisation of workers who have come together to protect and improve their job conditions. GMB have a proven track record of supporting members who are employed in…

  • Work Permits for Children

    Whilst still at school many 13-15 year olds may wish to seek part-time employment to explore and prepare for the world of work and/or to gain financial independence.  Although this is permissible there are stringent laws surrounding the employment of children under school leaving age: The Scottish Government Employment Guidance for…

  • NASUWT Trade Union

    On this page you will find details for NASUWT Scotland Local Association Secretary Eddie CarrollAssociation SecretarySecretary.North-Lanarkshire@NASUWT.org.ukTel: 07954132914

  • How to report your absence

    Local Government Employees Click here for a quick guide on how to report your absence on mySelf. Notification If you are unable to attend work due to sickness, contact must be made on the first day of absence within an hour of normal starting time or within such other timescale…

  • UNISON Trade Union

    Employees of NLC have the opportunity to become a member and be represented by the UNISON trade union. More information on this can be found in the documentation on this page.