Returning to the Workplace (All Services)

COVID 19 – Guidance for Managers on Planning for Employees Returning to Work – Accurate at 6th August 2020

Where it has been determined that an employee is required to either physically return to work or to work from home, managers must ensure that they make appropriate arrangements for the employees return and address any concerns the employee may have.

Many employees will be concerned and anxious about being in the workplace and/or travelling to work and therefore it is essential that managers ensure discussions take place with employees at the earliest possible stage.

The below guidance will assist managers in planning for an employee’s return to work and provides information on all the key areas that need to be considered and discussed with the employee before their return to work.

Further advice and support for managers is also available here or for general enquiries please contact the ESC People Helpdesk on 01698 403151 or email

Additional specific information for Education & Families employees, is available within the Returning to the Workplace (Education & Families) article.

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