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Latest Staff Information

Here you will find the latest information for staff on communications, initiatives, webinars and sessions available from NL Life and Learn NL.

People Resources have created toolkit for People Managers. This toolkit comprises of bite size e-learning modules with comprehensive top tips to aid people manager in navigate through a variety of processes such as:

  • Authorising time and expenses
  • Managing Leavers
  • New Starts

The toolkit is now available on LearnNL here – Course: Manager’s Toolkit

you should have receive notification of the toolkit from LearnNL. If you are a People Manager or Authorised Signatory but have not received this notification, please contact esc-workforcenegagement@northlan.gov.uk

Please note any new managers who commence with NLC after 27/01/2025 will be assigned the toolkit as mandatory training. Any new authorised signatories set up after this date will be required to complete the mandatory Time and Expenses module.

New Policy – Supporting Dysregulated and Distressed Behaviour in Establishments

We are pleased to announce a new guide, “A Guide to Supporting Dysregulated and Distressed Behaviour in Establishments: Policy into Practice.” This has been developed in partnership with head teachers, trade union representatives, health and safety officers, wellbeing experts, educational psychologists, and continuous improvement officers.

The guide is designed to support all staff in our schools and early years establishments. It combines existing policies, practices, and guidance into one document, offering clear direction and resources.
Key features include:

  • Training links.
  • Easy-to-follow flowcharts.
  • Guidance on physical intervention.
  • Support for staff wellbeing after incidents.
  • Advice on risk assessments, recording, and reporting.
  • Practical leaflets with tips and guidance.
  • Suggested approaches for staff across all roles.

Children and young people can sometimes display distressed or challenging behaviours. North Lanarkshire Council is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone in our schools. We recognise the need for staff to sometimes intervene to prevent harm while fostering a nurturing and supportive environment.

This guide aligns with key strategies and policies, including Included, Engaged & Involved 3, the Plan for North Lanarkshire, the NL Children’s Services Plan, and the Promise Plan 2021–24. It prioritises positive relationships and behaviour approaches, ensuring all members of the school community feel safe and valued.

Staff Roadshow – April – June 2024

A programme of staff sessions have been arranged to find out more about The Plan for North Lanarkshire and the new programme of work.

The Plan for North Lanarkshire was established in 2019 with a clear long-term vision and ambition – inclusive growth and prosperity for all to bring equal benefits and a fairer distribution of wealth to all North Lanarkshire’s people and communities.

The programme of work delivers a range of projects that help to achieve that ambition, including boosting the local economy, transforming towns and communities, enhancing opportunities and creating jobs.

We have already made some great achievements since then. Our hub programme has already commenced, the range of affordable council homes has vastly increased, significant infrastructure and major town centre regeneration projects are in place or underway, gross weekly pay continues to remain higher than the national average, record investment and positive economic growth for the region. These are significant in-roads in terms of positive outcomes for people and communities.

The new programme of work incorporates a diverse range of projects that will make a significant difference over many years, enabling people and communities to thrive while improving social conditions and outcomes. This provides a framework for a better future for North Lanarkshire and the people who live and work here.

This 1.5 hour session will provide you with more insight into The Plan for North Lanarkshire and the new programme of work and gives you the chance to help shape the next phase.

The roadshows, presented by the council’s chief officers, are taking place in 23 different venues on a range of dates from April until the end of June across North Lanarkshire.

Take a look at the venues listed on this page to find a suitable date and book your place.

New Occupational Health Portal – MedigoldONE

In 2023 Health Management Ltd (HML) became part of Medigold Health. To help bring HML and Medigold’s teams, systems and processes together and to improve and streamline the occupational health process for managers the MedigoldONE portal will replace the existing Health Hub portal.

Accessing the New Portal

From 22nd January 2024 you will request occupational health services via MedigoldOne via the web links and passwords that will be provided.

Existing cases on Health Hub will continue to be accessible, however you will not be able to make any new requests on Health Hub from the 22nd January.

Further information will be made available to managers in due course in the meantime a video demonstrating the new portal is available here.

Hybrid Working Scheme 2024

Following the decision to continue with hybrid working, the Council has refreshed the scheme to better reflect business needs and the ambition of the Council to create a more agile, flexible, and collaborative workplace environment that will enable the Council to be more effective and more efficient. The revised scheme and the supporting FAQs can be found here