• What if I am in the higher risk (clinically vulnerable) category?

    If you are in the higher risk category because you are over 70, pregnant or have an underlying health condition that puts you at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus. The guidance for this group has changed as a result of the recent relaxation of lockdown measures. If you…

  • What should I know about supporting my mental health & wellbeing?

    We all have mental health and it is important that you look after your mental health and wellbeing during this time and discuss any concerns you have with your manager.    Even if you have been attending work or have been working from home throughout this pandemic, you will still need…

  • How can I be sure of my safety and wellbeing in the workplace?

    Your manager must advise you of what Health & Safety arrangements have been put in place to enable you to return to the workplace. You also have a responsibly for your Health & Safety as well as the Health & Safety of others and there are some key areas that…

  • What if I need to travel to work on public transport?

    Any concerns you have about travelling to and from work should be discussed with your manager and options explored to accommodate your concerns as far as reasonably practical.   If you cannot work from home and you have to travel to work, you should cycle or walk wherever possible in…

  • Should I continue to work from home if I can?

    Unless it has been determined that your physical presence in the workplace is essential for operational requirements then you should be working from home. Further guidance on Home Working can be found here

  • What happens if I am to return into the workplace?

    Where your role requires you to physically attend work your manager must ensure a safe return to the workplace and that you understand what rules and procedures you must follow when you are in work.  Before you return to the workplace, your line manager will discuss key elements about your…

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