• Useful Links

    See below links to websites that have additional information on a number of topics that may be of interest or helpful to you as a manager. HMRC Tax CalculatorHMRC NI CalculatorState Pension Age CheckerStatutory Sick PayMaternity Pay & LeaveShared Parental LeaveStrathclyde Pension Fund Office (SPFO)Scottish Public Pension Agency (SPPA)National Employment…

  • My P45

    When you leave employment with North Lanarkshire Council, you will receive your final salary payment and you will be able to access your P45 by logging on to your mySelf account and clicking on Pay & Benefits. This will be available for 3 months after your leaving date. The P45…

  • Resignation & Notice

    Decided to leave your current role? Effective from Monday 21 September 2020, if you are resigning from your post(s) within North Lanarkshire Council, you will process your request via your mySelf account. Your resignation request will be sent to your reporting manager for approval via their myTeam account. A notification…

  • GDPR – Information Management

    We aim to help employees make the best use of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems and facilities. The use of ICT can bring significant benefits to our activities and delivery of services. However, it can also introduce significant types of risk to our operations. The aim of this policy is…

  • Your Contract

    You will receive your contract of employment prior to starting in your new role. It will contain all the relevant details relating to your post and point you to specific things you may need to be aware of. Please ensure you read the detail of your contract carefully and soon…

  • Term Time

    Below is helpful information if you work term time and shows you how your pay is calculated. Working term time and leaving the Council? Look below to find out how your term time adjustment will be calculated.

  • My Pay

    Replace article with redirect to My Pay main section at https://mynl.co.uk/article-categories/my-pay/

  • Contact Us

    Redirect to main Contact Us page.

  • Induction

    It’s really important that all new starts – whether to the Council or into the role, have a thorough induction. Induction should cover a range of topics and ensure that the employee is well aware of the policies and procedures of NLC as well as more local information. For more…