• Secondments & Temporary Employment

    Secondments A secondment is the assignment of a member of one organisation to another organisation for a temporary period. The employee typically retains their salary and other employment rights from their primary organisation but they work closely within the other organisation to provide training and the sharing of experience. Secondment…

  • Higher Duties

    In the normal course of events higher duties should not continue beyond six months, and, if it becomes apparent that the absence will continue longer than six months, management should give serious consideration to appointing an employee to the post on a temporary basis via the normal recruitment process. Such…

  • Changing Details

    If you are a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme, Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPFO) – you can update your details through SPFOnline. Alternatively, you can contact them by telephone on 0345 890 8999, email to spfo@glasgow.gov.uk or by letter quoting NI Number on any correspondence to the following address:…

  • Pension Scheme Opt Out

    If you’ve made the decision to leave the pension scheme, your first step must be to contact the relevant provider. Once this has been done, it is important to notify the Employee Service Centre of your decision via the opt out form so they can adjust your records accordingly. More…

  • Auto Enrolment

    To help people save more for their retirement, the government now requires employers to enrol their workers into a workplace pension scheme. This applies to those who aren’t already in one in respect of any of their employments and they: The workplace pension scheme we provide is the Local Government…

  • Pension Providers

    Local Government Employees pension scheme – SPFO Teaching and Associated Professionals – SPPA

  • Understanding Your Pay

    Understanding what you get paid and what the deductions are can be complex and confusing and we hope the information below will make understanding your pay easier. The documents below describe how your pay is calculated, how universal credit works and what happens if you have a cash preservation. For…

  • Change Bank Details

    You can update your bank details by logging into your mySelf account and selecting ‘View Profile’ and updating your bank details within the Personal Tab. Further guidance can be found in the myself User Guide. Please refer to the Service Payrun Schedules for the deadline bank details need to be…

  • Payslips & P60s

    It is important you understand what you are getting paid and that you check your payslip regularly to ensure you are getting paid correctly. P60’s are issued to all employees, who are in employment with NLC, on the last day of the tax year (5 April). Employees must have their…

  • Mileage & Overtime

    All mileage requests should be submitted via your mySelf account and will be authorised by your line manager via myTeam. Overtime should also be submitted via mySelf unless you have been instructed otherwise by your service/manager/supervisor. Christmas pay schedules for mySelf users can be found here. Mileage Claim – what if it hasn’t been paid If you…