GMB Trade Union

On this page you will find details for the GMB trade union.

GMB UNION: Make Work Better

The GMB union is a powerful organisation of workers who have come together to protect and improve their job conditions.

GMB have a proven track record of supporting members who are employed in North Lanarkshire Council, with a diverse range of representatives across all internal services.

Your representative body supports you in improving your terms & conditions, representing you on collective issues, individual representation, health & safety and job evaluation.

GMB also has their own law firm, Unionline, which is owned by the GMB and their members, that will assess and support members claims for Employment Tribunals, personal injury as well as other services, that you can see here:

If you need any support in your workplace, please contact your Branch Secretary, Des Whelan on

Additionally, if you would like to join the GMB, please use this link: to join through direct debit or contact Des for a form that allows you to pay membership through your wages.

GMB Extra:  GMB Extra | Find out what you can benefit from

Updated on 22nd May 2024

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