NLC Recruitment
Getting the right applicant into a role is very important and understanding the processes around recruitment and how to progress with it quickly makes everything run just that little bit smoother.
There are a number of steps the Hiring Manager needs to complete to ensure efficiency of the end-to-end recruitment process.
Additional information on our commitment to recruitment practices can be found here.
iTrent Recruitment is the name of the system that is used for managing the end-to-end recruitment process. All of our vacancies are advertised on Myjobscotland and applicants are directed to guidance on how to apply for our posts.
High Volume Recruitment is processed on Talentlink, this process is followed when you have multiple interview panels to support filling a high volume of vacancies. You will be notified by your HR Business partner on the occasions when this process is required.
Below you will find links to Managers guidance for the 6 recruitment stages detailing your role and responsibilities as a Hiring Manager at each stage of process from ‘Advertising a Vacancy‘ to ‘Arranging a Start Date‘