• Employee Service Centre

    The Employee Service Centre (ESC) is the centralised team providing transactional HR and payroll services to all employees of North Lanarkshire Council. We aim to provide a highly responsive, professional and customer focussed service. We do this by ensuring all five of our teams are clear on their roles, are…

  • Application Form

    The application form is your opportunity to showcase yourself to us and describe how the skills, knowledge and qualifications you possess make you the ideal applicant for the advertised role. We will use this information to assess whether to progress you to the next stage in the process and invite…

  • Applying to Work With Us

    All applicants will be treated fairly and will be assessed purely on their ability to successfully perform the job. We appoint for each post on the basis of relevant knowledge, skills, experience and qualifications. To do this, we will use the job description & employee specification to assess an applicant’s…

  • MJS Account

    To set up a myjobscotland account, you will need internet access and an email account to receive application responses. When you are ready to apply for a vacancy with North Lanarkshire Council, you will be asked to login/register to myjobscotland. You will then be asked several questions about your suitability…

  • What it’s like to work for NLC

    North Lanarkshire has a vibrant, diverse and growing economy. The council is a special place to work, with engaged ambitious people who are ambassadors for the services they provide. Working here, every individual knows their job has an impact on our communities. Our services are aligned to support people at…

  • mySelf/myTeam Guides

    Unsure how to reset a password, request annual leave or authorise expenses? See below a range of employee and manager guides to help you navigate mySelf and/or myTeam. These guides are updated to include information about the latest mySelf updates. If you are unable to resolve your issue and cannot…

  • iTrent Forms

    Mainly for use by managers and HR Business Partners, these iTrent forms can assist you to update security authorisations, make amendments to units, posts or positions or create or delete units, posts or positions. Ensuring the structure is correct on iTrent is very important to help with the accuracy of…

  • First Aid

    The provision of first aid and defibrillation in the workplace. First aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. The council will meet the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, by providing an appropriate level of first aid provision in keeping with the…

  • Risk Assessment

    Risk assessments are a key part of ensuring the safety and well being of our employees. There are a number of different assessments required at different points of an employee journey. See below for the relevant risk assessment and supplementary guidance.

  • Adoption for Teachers & Associated Professionals

    See the below documents that give you details on your entitlements to adoption leave and pay as well as helpful information for Head Teachers, managers and employees on the application process.