The provision of first aid and defibrillation in the workplace.
First aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. The council will meet the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, by providing an appropriate level of first aid provision in keeping with the risks identified within each particular area of operation.
The nominated person (s) must be provided with the appropriate training.
There will also be circumstances where additional emergency equipment will be in the workplace. In particular Defibrillators have been put in place within various establishments. First Aiders will require to make themselves familiar with the operation of this equipment if there is any expectation that they may be asked to operate it.
First Aid Training and Defibrillator Awareness can be organised by accessing the Learning Management System or contacting the Talent & Organisational Development Team,
Basic CPR training from the British Heart Foundation can be accessed here Learn CPR in 15 minutes | RevivR | BHF – BHF .
Every establishment should display a suitable notice indicating who the responsible persons are for first aid, how to contact them, and where the first aid boxes are kept. First Aid Box locations should be clearly identified with a first aid sign (white cross on a green background).