Information, Instruction and Training

Find out more about the resources and opportunities that will help the council meet its duty to manage health, safety and welfare.

Employers are required under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to provide “such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of his employees”. In addition to this a number of other statutory requirements for training exist and originate from legislation that includes:

  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations;
  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations;
  • The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations;
  • The Display Screen Equipment Regulations.

Whilst the above are indicative of some of the relevant legislation, it is the risk assessment process that defines the types of information, instruction and training that ultimately will be required. The manager or supervisor needs to create a workable and relevant training programme that uses these 3 tools. It is difficult to define each tool but practice suggests the following:

  • Information means providing factual material which tells people about risks and precautions;
  • Instruction means telling people what they should do; and
  • Training means helping them learn how to do it, but can include giving information and instruction.

Special care and effort needs to be taken with those that do not use English as a first language or with those that may have other reasons not to understand spoken or written word. (eg those that cannot read, those that may be dyslexic, those with learning difficulties etc) 

Whatever mix is used the provision of information, instruction and training needs to be recorded.

Induction training sets the stage and allows employees to understand the importance their line manager places on the health and safety of their team. Induction training consists of three principal stages :

  1. Corporate Induction – This sets the scene and gives employees an idea of the structures and resources that are available within the council. A link to the corporate induction handbook is available via the download box on this page.
  2. Local Induction – This provides specific information on the local arrangements affecting an employee, this will be arrangements such as first aid, fire evacuation, accident reporting etc.
  3. Ongoing Induction – When employees move job within the Council then a new induction scheme is needed, employees that do not change jobs also need refresher induction training to ensure they keep up to date with the arrangements made for their health, safety and welfare whilst working for North Lanarkshire Council.

You can contact the Health and Safety Team by emailing

Updated on 24th May 2023

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