Information on the general health and safety requirements for a North Lanarkshire Council workplace.

Every workplace needs to have some basic health and safety measures in place to help ensure employees and service users are a safe as they can be. There are also some legal requirements to ensure that certain posters or certification is displayed. Using the information below and information on other pages of the site (see links) you will be able to establish the main health and safety requirements for your workplace.
Also included on this page is a link to a guide on providing safe access to a workplace for those with mobility difficulties. This guide gives lots of practical advice on the matter however any proposal to change the structure of a workplace must be discussed with Property and Procurement Services. In any event, changes must be risk assessed and special consideration given to the emergency evacuation of anyone with mobility difficulties before access to a property is facilitated. (See pages on Fire Safety for more details – Remember the fire service expect the employer to evacuate all building users prior to the first fire appliance arriving)
Please email if you have any questions.