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Recruitment Forms (Non-School Recruitment)

***Itrent Recruitment launched LIVE on Monday 27 February 2023 and any new advert requests should now be progressed through the new process. Further details on the new process can be found here on MyNL. If your vacancies are currently being advertised on Talentlink then you should progress through the existing process.***

Existing Talentlink Process

As part of continual process improvement, the Workforce Resourcing & Process Re-engineering Team have been working together to streamline and digitalise the current recruitment process.  The first stage of this is the implementation of an MS Teams form for submitting your Contract Offer Form(s) and associated interview paperwork.  The new process will be more efficient for all and negate the need for the Hiring Manager to download forms and e-mail them to the team this will all be automated via the MS Teams form.

As of Monday 5th September 2022, the Interview Assessment Control Form and the Contract Offer Form(s) for non-school recruitment should be submitted via the MS Form at the following links:

Please note this process is for recruiting managers with a northlan.gov email address only. If you are a recruiting manager with a northlan.org email address (typically teaching staff), please follow the process detailed at the following: Recruitment Forms (School Recruitment)

The Chair of the Panel will be responsible for uploading the interview assessment forms from all panel members to the online contract offer from. On completion of the form, this will trigger an email notification to the Workforce Resourcing mailbox and will be allocated to the team for processing.

This is the first of many changes that are planned to make the Recruitment process more efficient for all involved in the process.  We are currently working on the implementation of iTrent Recruitment which will make a significant difference to the way we onboard successful applicants.  If you would like to hear more about this or alternatively like to discuss any recruitment questions you may have please arrange a call with the Senior Recruitment Advisor for your business area.

Click here for information on the service teams within Workforce Resourcing who you can contact for additional guidance.

Below you will find all the relevant recruitment forms required to advertise a vacancy, select and contract a candidate.

JD & ES Template
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Shortlisting Proforma (Non-Teaching)
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Interview Request Form (Non-Teaching)
Version: 1
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Interview Assessment Form (Non-Teaching)
Version: 1
Size: 716.22 kb
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Interview Assessment Control Form
Size: 28.63 kb
Date modified: 17-01-2023

Updated on 10th February 2025

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