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Work Permits for Children

Whilst still at school many 13-15 year olds may wish to seek part-time employment to explore and prepare for the world of work and/or to gain financial independence. 

Although this is permissible there are stringent laws surrounding the employment of children under school leaving age:

The Scottish Government Employment Guidance for Children states “children under school leaving age can be employed on light duties but only if their safety, health, development and education etc are not put at risk. They can be employed whether or not they are paid for the work…with the same rules applying if they are employed by a parent or carer”

Therefore, all employers are required, by law, to hold a work permit for each child employed.

As such local authorities set the byelaws for permits, with North Lanarkshire Council issuing the following two permits for employing children under school leaving age:

Work Permits for Children –  further details and permit can be found here

Child Performance License – further details and permit can be found here

Updated on 24th April 2024

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