• Alcohol and Drug Related for CLNL

    We recognise that alcohol and drug-related problems are matters of health and social concern. Employees struggling in this area need help and treatment. We will not accept people misusing alcohol or drugs. This policy provides practical measures to deal with alcohol and drug misuse. This applies equally to solvent misuse.

  • Time Off in Lieu for CLNL

    We recognise that on occasion it may be necessary for CLNL employees to work additional hours outside of their normal daily working hours (e.g. to attend evening meetings / set up events or to complete urgent work). Any agreement by employees to work additional hours is on a voluntary basis….

  • Grievance for CLNL

    The Grievance policy/procedure applies to all CLNL employees and casual workers. Grievances are concerns, problems or complaints that an employee may have relating to their place of work which they may choose to raise with their line manager. Examples of issues that may cause a grievance include: your work or…

  • Reward and Recognition for CLNL

    CLNL recognises and promotes positive behaviour and supports our employees in creating a happy and healthy atmosphere which enables employee and organisational success.  The Reward and Recognition Policy aims to encourage and acknowledge outstanding performance and accomplishment in all areas and roles. The policy recognises achievements which contribute to the…

  • Managing Performance for CLNL

    Leading and managing teams and workloads is a crucial role in the Council and we want to help you do this well. There is a manager toolkit to support managing performance available on Learn NL here. Further information is available below.

  • Redundancy for CLNL

    It is important to us that you understand our position on redundancy and the processes if this happens to you. We have a responsibility to safeguard, as far as possible, the job security of our employees and to provide quality services by maintaining realistic staffing levels. The policies below outline our approach where…

  • Redeployment for CLNL

    How we will assist you when in a redeployment situation. The Redeployment policy aims to assist employees who are in a redeployment situation. Through this policy, we will, as far as is reasonably practicable, retain employees in employment by seeking suitable alternative employment. The circumstances in which it may be considered…

  • Re-evaluation of Posts for CLNL

    The Council is committed to ensuring a fair, open, transparent and legally compliant approach to the evaluation of jobs and ensuring equal pay for work of equal value. Below you will find CLNL’s Re-evaluation of Posts Procedure which has been developed to ensure consistency in the evaluation of new jobs…

  • Recruitment for CLNL

    Recruitment and selection plays a fundamental role in the operation and development of the Council’s activities. The ability of the Council to adapt to changing demands is dependent on the recruitment of employees who are flexible and committed. It is essential that the Council complies with employment and equality legislation…

  • Adverse Weather for CLNL

    What do you do if the weather disrupts or prevents your journey to and from work? This guidance explains what procedures should be followed if you, or an employee you are responsible for, are faced with one or more of the following situations due to adverse weather conditions: being prevented from…