• Diversity Monitoring of Employees – recording on mySelf

    The Council know the importance and benefits of having a diverse workforce. Different people bring different skills and experiences to the workplace at the same time enrich our workplaces and the work we do. Every two years the Council gathers and analyses information about the characteristics of its employees –…

  • Invigilators

    Invigilating for school prelims.  Newly engaged Invigilators will require new records set up on iTrent. Checks will need to be carried out by the school for any existing Invigilators to ensure records are set up accordingly to prevent delays in payment processing.   See below for a guidance note which…

  • Equality impact assessments

    The Public Sector Equality Duty requires the Council to assess the impact of applying a proposed new or revised policy or practice against the needs of the general equality duty and to publish the results of the assessment. As a general fail safe rule if the policy or practice is about people…

  • Volunteer NL

    Little Me. Big Difference. A small act of kindness can make a big difference in your community. VolunteerNL is a new volunteering programme in North Lanarkshire Council that empowers communities to give back and do something worthwhile to make a difference. From Museum Assistants to cancer information and support opportunities,…

  • Jury Duty – Employee Guidance

    Upon receipt of a jury citation to court, you are required to send a copy of it to esc-helpdeskteam@northlan.gov.uk confirming your full name and employee number. The People Helpdesk Team will complete the loss of earnings form and return it to you prior to your citation date. If you are…

  • Pay Award 2024/2025

    Information regarding the 2024/25 Local Government Pay Award can be found below. Employees who have left the council will be required to complete this form. Pay Award 2024/25 FAQ’s

  • Work Local

    In support of the cost of living challenges, NLC are launching a ‘Work Local’ campaign, opening up more of its facilities for staff to access during the day and in the evenings. If you are a Hybrid Worker, you may choose to work in a space closest to your home…

  • Cost of Living

    We know things are hard right now and you may be struggling to pay your bills as energy, food and other living costs rise. The rapidly escalating cost of living is tough on us all. We are doing all we can, particularly to support those most in need. On the below…

  • Large Recruitment Campaign Forms

    As part of continual process improvement the Workforce Resourcing and Process Reengineering Team have been working together to streamline and digitalise the current recruitment process.  The first stage of this is the implementation of an MS Teams form for submitting your Contract Offer and associated Interview paperwork.  The new process…

  • ESC Training Schedule

    Unsure how to input your mileage or claim for your overtime?  Struggling with requesting annual leave/special leave or flexi?  Or as a manager simply unsure how to navigate your myTeam account? Our Workforce Engagement Team are here to help! mySelf and myTeam Training Sessions We will be holding virtual training…