• Gifts & Hospitality

    What to do if you are offered gifts or hospitality in the course of your duties.

  • Equal Pay

    Ensuring that all employees are paid fairly.

  • Employee Code of Conduct

    The employee code of conduct is essential reading for all employees outlining the standards expected from them by NLC. The principles of WE ASPIRE are embedded in the culture of what we do and how we do it and you are strongly encouraged to adopt these values in your individual…

  • Display Screen Equipment

    Understand your responsibilities for your own, and others, health and safety when using display screen equipment.

  • Discipline

    Find out how our Discipline Policy can help both managers and staff improve working practices, conduct and productivity.

  • Dignity at Work

    Find out how our Dignity at Work Policy can help support an inclusive workplace.

  • Coreless Flexi

    Who is eligible? Employees will be eligible for coreless flexi if they currently use the flexible working hours recording system (this includes employees on a smarter working pattern, although such employees cannot accrue hours to take as flexi-leave). Approval of coreless flexi is subject to the exigencies of the service. …

  • Compensation Scheme

    How to seek recompense for damaged personal property in the workplace.