Display Screen Equipment

It is important that you understand your responsibilities for your own, and others, health and safety when using display screen equipment.

We care about the health, safety and wellbeing of all our employees and recognise that different occupations bring different risks, but did you realise that sitting in front of a computer screen brings its own risks?

Under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 we need to make sure that your working environment is suitable and safe for use of display screen equipment.

How we do this, and your responsibilities for your own and other’s safety in this area, is outlined in the attached statement and associated guidelines.

Vision Screening

Information for regular DSE users on how to access eyesight screening facilities.

The following procedure should be followed when you require an eye and eyesight test as a user or regular user of Display Screen Equipment (DSE):

  1. Your line manager will provide you with an information sheet if you are identified as a user/regular user of DSE. This information sheet clarifies entitlements, results of examinations, options available for the provision of glasses/ contact lenses and the process for reclaiming any re-imbursement, should this be appropriate.
  2. Your line manager will then complete the referral form – form HSF17. You should take the form to your optician who will complete the relevant section.
  3. You should arrange the date and time of the eye and eyesight test directly with an optician of your own choice.
  4. Once the optician has tested you and completed form HSF17 you should pass this to your  line manager who will forward a copy to your Human Resources section. If you require glasses/contact lenses, you will be given the prescription at the time of testing.
  5. You have the option to purchase glasses/contact lenses from an optician of your choosing. Should you require the glasses / contact lenses for DSE use then we will reimburse you up to maximum of £50 which will cover both the glasses/contact lenses and the eye/eyesight test if there is a charge for the test. Reimbursement should be claimed via mySelf, attaching a copy of a receipt from the optician for the purchase of the glasses/contact lenses and the cost of any eye/eyesight test. You may purchase glasses/ contact lenses at a higher price, on the understanding that any difference of more than £50 in total will be paid by you, this will include any charge for the eye/eyesight test.

Self Assessment

You can find the DSE Self Assessment on mySelf under Requests & Surveys.

MS10 - Display Screen Equipment
Size: 156.82 kb
Date modified: 05-07-2019
HSF30 - DSE Assessment Form
Size: 38.55 kb
Date modified: 21-10-2019
HSF17 - DSE - Optical Examination and Recovery of Expense
Size: 31.44 kb
Date modified: 21-10-2019
Employee Guidance - Reimbursement for Glasses
Size: 136.70 kb
Date modified: 03-02-2022
Electrical Safety Checklist
Size: 170.27 kb
Date modified: 15-07-2021
Updated on 6th February 2025

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