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Payment Information for Temporary Supply Teachers

Daily rates

This will be paid for each day worked, pro rata for each part day worked.  This holiday pay will be accrued and paid to staff each pay period and will be displayed on payslips as follows:

The example below is a Temporary Teacher who has worked 10 days:

e.g.  10 days x daily rate £171.09          = £1710.90           Days Pay
£1710.90 x 0.2051                             =£350.91              Accrued Holiday Pay

The example above is based on a teacher at the top point of the salary scale therefore teachers’ rates depend on what point in the salary scale you are placed on. 

Daily rate is calculated as follows:

Annual Salary/235 days = Daily Rate

Holidays and Sickness Absence

You will be paid for all holidays in line with your term time arrangement. The element for holiday will be calculated separately on the basis of accrued leave as:

 1/195 x 40 days = 0.2051

This means 20.51% added onto your monthly pay.

If you are absent due to sickness, your Head Teacher will enter these details into myTeam to indicate this and the days absent should be claimed as Sickness on Seemis; this will ensure you will be paid accordingly. 

Your sickness entitlement will be dependent on your service and is noted below:

When your absence has ended and you have returned to work you should enter the end date of the absence on mySelf.

Do I need to submit hours?

Yes, you will need to submit your hours via mySelf. Please make yourself familiar with the guidance and deadlines for submission.

Viewing your payslip

You can view your payslip via your mySelf account. After you log in, on your dashboard, you should scroll down to ‘Latest Payslips’ and select your most recent payslip. Alternatively, you can select the ‘My Pay’ tab on the left of the screen and see previous payslips.

You can also receive your payslip is via email.  Guidance on how to set this functionality up is available here. You will then be automatically notified by email when your payslip becomes available to you.

If you require any further help or assistance, you can contact the Helpdesk by calling 01698 403151 or emailing esc-helpdeskteam@northlan.gov.uk

Guidance for support staff can be viewed here.

Updated on 18th April 2024

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