Protecting Vulnerable Groups for CLNL

Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy

We want children and young people in North Lanarkshire to be safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, responsible, respected and included so that they can realise their potential and make a positive contribution to society.

All children and young people have a right to be cared for and protected from harm and abuse and to grow up in a safe environment in which their rights are respected and their needs met.

We have this policy in place so all employees of CLNL know what is expected of them regarding protecting children and young people from abuse and neglect. See the policy below for further information.

Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) and Disclosure Information Policy

The policy applies to all individuals within CLNL whose post has been identified as requiring PVG Scheme Membership or a Disclosure check, as well as recipients of PVG/Disclosure information.

The policy provides us with the means of ensuring that the required checks have been carried out on individuals in identified posts to determine their suitability to undertake the full duties of the post, including ‘regulated work’ with children  and/or  protected adults, and the use of the PVG/Disclosure Information to inform recruitment decisions.

The policy also sets out the application process for both the PVG Scheme and Disclosure Checks and the position in relation to the secure handling, use, storage, retention and destruction of PVG/Disclosure Information.

The availability of PVG/Disclosure information should be seen as complementary to the existing recruitment practices. See the policy below for further information.

NLL Protecting Vulnerable Groups V2
Size: 72.56 kb
Date modified: 23-02-2021
NLL Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy V2
Size: 156.88 kb
Date modified: 23-02-2021
Updated on 24th February 2021

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