Advertising a Vacancy

By now you will have ensured your post has been evaluated, has agreed job advert, job description and employee specification and decided that advertising is your preferred method of filling your vacancy.

North Lanarkshire Council manages and advertises all vacancies on myjobscotland which is the national shared recruitment portal for Scottish local authorities.

A list of all vacancies being advertised externally will also be sent to a range of community groups and Jobcentre Plus as a means of attracting the widest range of applicants to vacancies. Vacancies may also be shared across various social media sites (such as Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter).

Advertisements will focus on the objective and demonstrable abilities and competencies required to fill the vacancy. Where it is considered that the post to be advertised has an occupational requirement which can be objectively justified, this will be clearly stated in the advertisement.

Other than in exceptional circumstances (which will be determined by the Head of Service), vacancies must be advertised internally in the first instance. Exceptional circumstances will normally apply where there are known difficulties in recruiting for certain positions (or national shortages) and where it is known that the required skills are unlikely to be held internally.

For more detailed guidance on advertising vacancies, see below:

Advertising a Vacancy
Advertising A Vacancy (Infographic)
Size: 348.52 kb
Hits: 527
Advertising A Vacancy (Guide)
Size: 539.85 kb
Hits: 597
Updated on 9th January 2023

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