Higher Duties

In the normal course of events higher duties should not continue beyond six months, and, if it becomes apparent that the absence will continue longer than six months, management should give serious consideration to appointing an employee to the post on a temporary basis via the normal recruitment process.

Such action would not prelude the undertaking of higher duties, for instance, during the recruitment process, subject to the post being vacant for a continuous period exceeding four weeks.

All requests for higher duties must be authorised by The Head of Service.

Eligibility – up to NLC7

Employees are entitled to be paid higher duties where, for reasons other than absence on normal holiday, an employee in receipt of a salary up to NLC Grade 7 is required temporarily, for a continuous period exceeding one week, in addition to their normal duties, to undertake duties of a post the grade of which is higher than the employee’s own grade, the employee will be granted an allowance equal to the difference between his/her existing salary and the minimum point of the higher post.

Eligibility – above NLC7

An employee in receipt of a salary above NLC7 and who is required temporarily, for a continuous period exceeding four weeks, to undertake the duties of a post the grade of which is higher than the employees own grade, will be granted an allowance equal to the difference between his/her existing salary and the minimum point of the higher post.

Percentage to be paid

It is for management to determine the percentage of duties that are undertaken. It is expected that employees undertaking 100% higher duties will be the exception rather than the norm.

Former manual workers

There is no facility for former manual workers to receive a percentage payment for a percentage of duties undertaken. The full duties and responsibilities of the higher post must be undertaken by one employee and they can receive the rate for the higher post after just one day of undertaking the full duties of the higher post. Additionally, this higher rate can be paid for individual days, rather than the requirement for a continuous period of undertaking higher.

As an employee, what do I need to do?

You need to have the higher duties arrangement discussed with you and you need to agree to undertake them – it is not compulsory.

What does my manager need to do?

Your manager must complete the higher duties form below and ensure that it is sent to Head of Service to be authorised. Your manager should ensure that they submit the request for payment of higher duties to the ESC by the service deadline to ensure prompt payment.

How do I get further help with this?

You can contact our People Operations team – click here to be taken to their contact details.

Higher Duties
Request For Payment of Higher Duties
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Higher Duties Request
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Hits: 1133
Updated on 14th June 2022

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