Occupational Health

New Medigold Customer Support Team – Contact Information

From Monday 1st July Medigold are launching a new Customer Service model (see below for an outline of the new model) which will provide a more efficient and responsive support service to the council.    Should a manager have any queries relating to individual cases, appointments and appointment rearrangements, consent and report release, the new contact details below must be used:

Email: Customer.Support@medigold-health.com (please note that from 1st July any emails sent to the previous CS team mailbox will be automatically redirected and responded to by the new Customer Support Team)

Phone: 0330 390 3370 (press Option 1 and then Option 1 again) – Hours of operation are 8.00am to 6.00pm.

Occupational Heath Portal – MedigoldONE

Managers who require to refer an employee to Occupational Health (this includes physiotherapy) will do so using the MedigoldONE portal.  

A video demonstrating the portal is available here.

Accessing the New Portal

Managers will request occupational health services via MedigoldONE portal using the web links and access passwords that are detailed below.

Once you have submitted your first referral/questionnaire you will receive an auto-generated email from the MedigoldONE portal, providing a randomly generated password. You will use this password to access your dashboard to view this referral and any future referrals that you make as well as appointment details and outcome reports for the case. Please ensure that you retain this password and keep it secure.

User Guides for Managers and Employees are available below.  

Portal Access Issues

Should a manager forget their password there will be a forgotten password link on the portal homepage.

Should a manager have any other account issues they should email the Customer Support Team at Customer.Support@medigold-health.com 

Please note that neither the Employee Service Centre or Employment & Policy Team can assist with portal access issues.

Occupational Health Referral Forms and Questionnaires

Please click on the relevant form name below to take you to the web page where you will be asked to enter the corresponding access password (please note this is case sensitive).

Form NameAccess Password
Management ReferralNLC.MR
Ill Health ReferralNLC.Pen
Physiotherapy Request Form  NLC.PHY_REQ
Night Worker QuestionnaireNLC.NWQ

Before making a referral to occupational health managers must ensure that they have discussed this with an employee and made them aware of the reason for the referral.

Managers should try to get the employee to complete the consent form during the discussion and attach this to the referral. A copy of this can be found here.

If prior consent is not obtained employees will be directed to an online consent form once they have accepted their appointment which will be sent to them via text message and/or email.

To ensure compliance with GDPR employees are now required to complete a consent form to allow Medigold to share the information with VITA Health, who is the council’s third-party provider of the physiotherapy service.

Managers should try to get the employee to complete the consent prior to making the referral and upload this to the portal. A copy of the consent form can be found here.

If prior consent is not obtained managers will receive an email from Medigold, once the physiotherapy request has been processed, asking them to send the consent form (a copy will be attached to the email) to the employee for completion and direct return to Medigold.

Please note that Medigold we will not progress the referral further until they have the employee’s consent.

Managers will need to ensure that an employee completes two consent forms for Ill Health referrals, one for agreeing to any assessment and sharing of subsequent reports and one for obtaining GP/Specialist information.

These forms must be completed and attached to the referral before submitting to occupational health. A copy of the consent form is available here. and the GP/Specialist consent form can be found here.

All consent forms are also available below.

User Guides

The links to “User Guides” for Referring Managers are available below. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with them.

MedigoldONE – Referrer User Guide

MedigoldONE – Manager Login User Guide

MedigoldONE – Save for Later User Guide

When to make an Occupational Health Referral

Managers may need to request that an employee be assessed by the Occupational Health Service, in order to obtain professional advice, guidance and independent medical opinion, to help support an employees attendance a work and the management of an ongoing absence or other issue that is impacting on an employees health and work.

There are a number of occasions when North Lanarkshire Council could benefit from referring an employee to occupational health for a medical opinion. The typical events that trigger a referral include:

  1. An employee has been, or is likely to be, off sick for longer than 4 weeks or where there is no foreseeable return-to-work date.
  2. An employee has frequent incidences of short-term absence with one or more reported illnesses.
  3. An employee has had an accident at work and an accurate clinical record of their injuries is required, including RIDDOR incidents.
  4. A manager believes that an employee’s health is being affected adversely by his work (e.g. stress, upper limb disorders or back pain).
  5. An employee is about to be transferred to another job or is about to be promoted and a medical assessment is required.
  6. An employee’s performance at work may be compromised because of ill health.
  7. An employee is diagnosed with a critical illness such as psychiatric ill health, cancer or heart disease.
  8. An employee is thought to be suffering from alcohol, drug or substance misuse.
  9. An employee has notified you that they are concerned about their own ill health, particularly if they believe their health is being affected by work.
  10. Advice is required on rehabilitation programmes for sick or disabled employees.
  11. You require a report regarding an employee’s fitness to attend a disciplinary or grievance hearing.

Employee Appointments

Once an appointment has been booked by the Customer Service Team at Medigold an employee will receive a text message and/or email notifying them of this and asking them to accept or re-arrange.

An employee will receive three reminder messages in successive days if they do not
accept or call to re-arrange the appointment and complete the online consent form.

Referring managers will receive updates on appointments via email links that will require them to log in to their account to view and download if required.

Guidance for employees on the appointment notification and consent process can be found here

Occupational Health report

Once the link to the occupational health report has been sent managers will have 30 days to view and download a copy from the portal. After 30 days the access to the case and all documentation will be removed in order to ensure compliance with Data Protection Legislation.

The occupational health report will provide professional medical advice from either an occupational health nurse adviser or an occupational health physician, and will take into account the information provided in the referral form and the consultation with the employee, the report may include advice on:

  • Fitness to work
  • Restrictions or adaptations on employment
  • Prognosis on returning to work
  • Implications of the Disability Discrimination Act
  • Appropriate attendance or capability targets
  • Likelihood of further absences

The content of the report should be discussed as soon as possible with the employee to agree the next course of action any any support/adjustments required to support a return to work if appropriate.

Updated on 1st July 2024

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