• Out with the old network drives and in with O365

    Now that most of us have migrated over to M365, you will know the way we store information has changed.  All new business information created should now be stored in the appropriate corporate file plan area within Teams/SharePoint and personal business-related information should be stored in One Drive for Business….

  • Change is coming to Housing Repairs

    As part of the council’s ongoing move towards digitisation of our services, plans are now well under way to replace the Housing Repairs scheduling software system One Advanced/Kirona DRS currently used to book trades with Mears and schedule inspections for NLC Technical Officers. This new system, planned to go live…

  • Wanted – New Digital Champions

    Do you want to part of our digital gang? We’re looking to build on Digital NL’s already successful internal network of Digital Champions to help drive our digital vision across services and communities. This is a great opportunity to become a Digital Champion to support your service and although voluntary,…

  • Card Exchange – ID Badges

    Card Exchange  Card Exchange is our new I.D Card Printing system which allows administrators to create I.D cards for employees and print them in one easy step-by-step process.   Whether you need a new card for a new employee, a replacement for a lost card or an updated one due to…

  • Breastfeeding

    North Lanarkshire Council recognises the short and long-term advantages of breastfeeding for both mother and baby and supports breastfeeding as the optimal infant feeding choice for all parents. A new Breastfeeding Policy is now available that will enhance the current provisions that are in place within the Council and will…

  • Workplace – General Requirements

    Information on the general health and safety requirements for a North Lanarkshire Council workplace. Every workplace needs to have some basic health and safety measures in place to help ensure employees and service users are a safe as they can be. There are also some legal requirements to ensure that certain…

  • Information, Instruction and Training

    Find out more about the resources and opportunities that will help the council meet its duty to manage health, safety and welfare. Employers are required under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to provide “such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health…

  • Agile Worker – Site Based

    Agile Workers – Site Based are staff who have a permanent NLC location as their base and often start and end their day at this base. This base will have a range of facilities appropriate to their role which might include desk and meeting room space, welfare facilities such as…

  • Beginning our transitioning to our Future Workplace Model – Employee Guidance

    Plans are firmly underway to move to our Future Workplace Model on the 4th April 2022. Your line manager should already have met with you to talk about what this means, and particularly for those of you transitioning to working in a hybrid way. Hybrid workers replace staff categorised as…

  • Supporting Agile and Hybrid Workers

    Hybrid Workers Returning to the office may feel like you’re starting a new job when you go back, even if you’ve worked in the same office for years. It’s important that everyone feels comfortable about going back to the office – and has information available on how to deal with…