Job Evaluation

The Council is committed to ensuring a fair, open, transparent and legally compliant approach to the evaluation of jobs and ensuring equal pay for work of equal value.

Detailed on this page is the Council’s Re-evaluation Procedure which has been developed to ensure consistency in the evaluation of new jobs and the re-evaluation of existing jobs.

Employee Requests

Where an individual employee identifies that their job has changed in line with one or more of the 13 factors of the Job Evaluation Scheme, and such change being a necessary and permanent feature of the post, they should submit the Re-evaluation Pro-forma below along with clear supporting evidence of the change in line with the Re-evaluation Procedure. Submissions can be made annually during the month of February and passed to Line Managers and Heads of Service in the first instance. You can download the Re-evaluation Procedure & Pro-forma below.

Service Requests

Where a service seeks to establish a new job or reconfigure a job as part of structure reviews they can submit a request for evaluation of the post or changes to an existing post. Submissions should include a copy of the job description, person specification, general statement about the remit and scope of the job and identification of the impact on any existing job evaluation. A Job Evaluation Template, below, should also be completed. The submission should be sent to your HR Business Partner in the first instance. You can download the Job Evaluation Template & Guidance below.

Other Useful Information

The Council uses the Scottish Joint Council’s Job Evaluation Scheme which you can download below. Queries can be sent to

SJC JE Scheme (V3)
Size: 901.86 kb
Date modified: 07-08-2024
Re-evaluation Pro-forma
Size: 52.83 kb
Date modified: 07-08-2024
Job Re-evaluation Procedure
Size: 446.19 kb
Date modified: 13-09-2019
Job Evaluation Template Guidance
Size: 611.25 kb
Date modified: 13-06-2019
Job Evaluation - Template (Blank)
Size: 52.91 kb
Date modified: 07-08-2024
Updated on 6th November 2019

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