
It is important to us that you understand our position on redundancy and the processes if this happens to you.

We have a responsibility to safeguard, as far as possible, the job security of our employees and to provide quality services by maintaining realistic staffing levels.

Our Workforce Change Policy outlines our approach where decisions to reduce employee levels are necessary.

Where staffing levels need to be reduced, we recognise the importance of:

  • minimising the number of compulsory redundancies,
  • open and full communications with employees and Trade Unions, and
  • fair and sensitive handling of those employees affected.

Where compulsory redundancy is unavoidable, we will handle the process in a fair, consistent, objective and non-discriminatory manner.

In addition, we will undertake to provide suitable alternative employment as far as it is practicable to do so and offer appropriate support to assist employees cope in the circumstances.

Relevant documents in relation to redundancy are noted below.

Severance Information Guidance Note
Version: 1.0 - 03-2016
Size: 81.35 kb
Hits: 1987
Updated on 23rd September 2019

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