Rule of 85

The rule of 85 gives protection to members who joined the Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) before 1st December 2006 and have membership which, when added to their age, equals or exceeds 85 in whole years.

Members born before 1st April 1960 have full protection

Members born after that date have partial protection

The rule of 85 protections apply when benefits are access from age 60 onwards. These protections only apply until 31st March 2020.

The SPFO website has some more information on the rule of 85 including a checker where you can see your rule of 85 position.

See the below documents for further information.

Rule of 85 - Changes from 31st March 2020
Version: 1.0
Size: 100.13 kb
Date modified: 04-02-2020
SPFOnline Rule Of 85
Size: 169.12 kb
Date modified: 17-06-2019
Rule of 85 Guidance
Size: 196.44 kb
Date modified: 04-02-2020
Updated on 25th August 2020

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