The Safety & Wellbeing teams remit is to provide professional safety advice and support across the Council as well as leading the wellbeing programme for employees. We also provide in house training for a variety of safety courses.
Previously the Council had a corporate safety team and service based teams. There is one centralised Safety & Wellbeing Team who provide help and advice across the full Council. The team have been allocated to specific Services but can provide advice and assistance to any service who requires it.
The Safety & Wellbeing Manager is Fiona Duddy Tel: 07534-288-124
The split of team resources is as follows:
Chief Executives/Enterprise & Communities
- Senior Safety & Wellbeing Advisor: Allison Bell Tel: 07939-284-687
- Safety & Wellbeing Advisors: Steven Brooks Tel: 07793-599-040, Trish Taylor Tel: 07939-280-222, Sandy Flanigan Tel: 07944-803-808 and Scott Kirkland Tel: 07583-022-967
- Safety & Wellbeing Assistant: Stephanie Taylor Tel: 07583-058-686
Adult Health & Social Care, Education & Families, NL Properties
- Senior Safety & Wellbeing Advisor: Vacancy
- Safety & Wellbeing Advisors: Paul Richmond Tel: 07940-462-519, Neil Hamilton Tel: 07583-022-803, Paul Docherty Tel: 07793-599-061 and Sandra Rose Tel: 07939-280-553
Active & Creative Communities
- Safety & Wellbeing Advisors: Lorraine Donnelly Tel: 07939-281-158, John Livingstone Tel: 07583-065-298 and Steven Kelly Tel: 07939-284-730
For any queries you can raise this via the Health and Safety General Enquiries form on myNL Portal for all enrolled with access – we have a duty officer who can be contacted via email for all non users of the Portal at