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Conduct Issues FAQ

Here you’ll find answers to some of the common questions asked about conduct issues.

Visit the Discipline article for more information on this subject.

If you require further support, please contact the Employment and Policy Team via myNL Portal (for all services enrolled onto the Portal) or contact via email: Employment and Policy Team.

We have discovered financial irregularities and it seems likely that one of the team is to blame. What is my next step?

Please contact Employee Relations.

A member of my team has been arrested, what do I do?

Please contact Employee Relations.

A member of my team has behaved in a way which I think might lead to dismissal, what do I do?

Please contact Employee Relations.

A member of staff has posted disparaging comments about me/a colleague on social media, what do I do?

A thorough investigation is required, please contact Employee Relations.

Someone on a social media site who is clearly identifiable as an NLC employee has posted general views that I find unacceptable/offensive. What will the Council do about this?

Action taken will depend on the nature of the comments, please contact Employee Relations for further guidance.

I have two people in the team who need to work closely together but are refusing to speak to each other. What can be done to alleviate this?

You should meet with the two colleagues initially in an attempt to find out what the problem is and what resolution can be found. If the issue cannot be resolved and it is impacting on the quality of service being delivered, a formal meeting should be held and those concerned should be advised of the seriousness of their conduct.

If further guidance is required, please contact Employee Relations.

I want to suspend an employee, what is the process?

Please contact Employee Relations immediately and they will provide advice.

Updated on 18th April 2024

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